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Beyond its condo-strewn skyline, one of Toronto’s most impressive recent transformations is taking place in Regent Park, a once-notorious housing project that is transitioning into a vibrant mixed-use community. This aquatic centre serves as its heart, inviting in both long-time residents and newcomers. Clad in black zinc panels with a green roof, the low-slung 2,600-square-metre building is generously glazed: a raised, glass-covered spine runs along its axis, and a “dorsal fin” of a skylight brings light into the swim halls and change rooms, with double sliding doors off the main pool area leading sunbathers to the park-side terrace. Inside, the faceted wooden ceilings bring a sense of grandeur to the morning swim.

People’s Choice: Buildings Over 1,000SqM
Regent Park Aquatic Centre

Regent Park Aquatic centre, and Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, both in Toronto; Valencia Waste Treatment Plant; Elena Garro Cultural Centre, Mexico City; WMS Boathouse, Chicago; and Community Rowing Boathouse, Boston.

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WinnerBuildings Over 1,000SqM
Copenhagen, Denmark
C.F. Møller Architects, Aarhus, Denmark
Award of MeritBuildings Over 1,000SqM
Chizhou City, China
Lacime Architects, China
People’s ChoiceBuildings Over 1,000SqM
Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, China