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Tall like sentinels, multi-faceted like boulders, or squat like a woodsman’s hut, the various forms of the 14 freestanding guest suites that make up the Breitenbach Landscape Hotel, a deconstructed retreat in the Alsatian hills, offer serene views onto the surrounding foliage.

The buildings are united in their material makeup and light-on-the-ground poise; clad in shingles hewn from the wood of local chestnut trees and refined in a workshop in Saverne, the structures rest on stilts, so that, in time, they can be discreetly removed. The project honours the landscape without spoiling it.

Team Reiulf Ramstad and Quentin Desfarges (Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter); Antoine Pagnoux (ASP Architecture) and Vincent Pierré (Terranergie)

AZ Awards 2021 Finalist: Breitenbach Landscape Hotel – 48° Nord

Tall like sentinels, multi-faceted like boulders, or squat like a woodsman’s hut, the various forms of the 14 freestanding guest suites that make up the Breitenbach Landscape Hotel, a deconstructed retreat in the Alsatian hills, offer serene views onto the surrounding foliage.

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