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Water Miner imagines a future Johannesburg in which climate catastrophe forces citizens to live in the gold mines beneath the city. Part architectural rendering, part graphic novel, the work tells a dystopian story with a utopian turn.

Joburg’s residents build subterranean smart homes and 3D printers to provide them with food. They regreen the city from the ground up, harvesting climate-adaptive crops, and transform the downtown high-rises into research centres and water-monitoring stations. In time, catastrophe becomes a force for renewal.

AZ Awards 2021 Finalist: Water Miner – Johannesburg 2050

Water Miner imagines a future Johannesburg in which climate catastrophe forces citizens to live in the gold mines beneath the city.

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People’s ChoiceA+ Award for Student Work
Safira Lakhani, University of Waterloo, Ontario
WinnerA+ Award for Student Work
Clifton Forge, Virginia
Professors Keith Zawistowski and Marie Zawistowski with Bethel Abate, Aiysha Alsane, Tyler Atkins, Justin Dennis, Lauren Duda, Huy Duong, Derek Ellison, Megumi Ezure, Katherine Harpst, Ryan Hawkins, Catherine Ives, Anna Knowles-Bagwell, Michael Kretz, Kyle Lee, Jennifer Leeds, Stephanie Mahoney, Leo Naegele, Margaret Nelson, Stephen Perry, Fernanda Rosales, Leah Schaffer, Katherine Schaffernoth, Amanda Schlichting, Ian Shelton, Brent Sikora, Claudia Siles, Emarie Skelton, Samantha Stephenson, Taylor Terrill, Daniel Vantresca, Bryana Warner, Samuel “Aaron” Williams and Samantha Yeh.
Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Zhengzhou, China
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, U.S.