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Water Miner imagines a future Johannesburg in which climate catastrophe forces citizens to live in the gold mines beneath the city. Part architectural rendering, part graphic novel, the work tells a dystopian story with a utopian turn.

Joburg’s residents build subterranean smart homes and 3D printers to provide them with food. They regreen the city from the ground up, harvesting climate-adaptive crops, and transform the downtown high-rises into research centres and water-monitoring stations. In time, catastrophe becomes a force for renewal.

AZ Awards 2021 Finalist: Water Miner – Johannesburg 2050

Water Miner imagines a future Johannesburg in which climate catastrophe forces citizens to live in the gold mines beneath the city.

Explore more Award Winners

Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Anthony Ko, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, UK
People’s ChoiceA+ Award for Student Work
Shree Kale and Anna Fritz
Rice University, U.S. (Professor Nicholas Gilliland)
Winner + People’s ChoiceA+ Award for Student Work
North East Nigeria, West Africa
Temitope Akinsiku with Emmannuel Etim, Hauwa Abdulkadir, Victor Igene and Abubakar Ibn Abubakar
University of Manitoba