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Azure AZ Awards of Merit Student 01
Azure AZ Awards of Merit Student 02

Rendering stainless steel as delicate as a textile, Julie Richoz’s masterful tableware collection, consisting of a plate and two decorative bowls, is fabricated by chemically etching ultra-thin sheets of spring steel. The cut pattern forms a wheel of tendrils that Richoz threads together, turning the 2‑D plane into a usable volume, one that speaks elegantly about the mer­ging of industrial and artisanal craft. The pieces are now available through Artecnica.



Thalie by Julie Richoz; Essentials by Carl Emil Jacobsen and Daniel Kowal; X-Scape by Aaron Choi and Diego Valencia; Food and Energy by Arina Agieieva and Dmytro Zhuikov; and Václav Havel’s Monument by Libor Šenekel.

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