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Azure AZ Awards of Merit Student 01
Azure AZ Awards of Merit Student 02

Rendering stainless steel as delicate as a textile, Julie Richoz’s masterful tableware collection, consisting of a plate and two decorative bowls, is fabricated by chemically etching ultra-thin sheets of spring steel. The cut pattern forms a wheel of tendrils that Richoz threads together, turning the 2‑D plane into a usable volume, one that speaks elegantly about the mer­ging of industrial and artisanal craft. The pieces are now available through Artecnica.



Thalie by Julie Richoz; Essentials by Carl Emil Jacobsen and Daniel Kowal; X-Scape by Aaron Choi and Diego Valencia; Food and Energy by Arina Agieieva and Dmytro Zhuikov; and Václav Havel’s Monument by Libor Šenekel.

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People’s ChoiceA+ Award for Student Work
Students of Virginia Tech design/buildLAB, Blacksburg, USA
WinnerA+ Award for Student Work
Clifton Forge, Virginia
Professors Keith Zawistowski and Marie Zawistowski with Bethel Abate, Aiysha Alsane, Tyler Atkins, Justin Dennis, Lauren Duda, Huy Duong, Derek Ellison, Megumi Ezure, Katherine Harpst, Ryan Hawkins, Catherine Ives, Anna Knowles-Bagwell, Michael Kretz, Kyle Lee, Jennifer Leeds, Stephanie Mahoney, Leo Naegele, Margaret Nelson, Stephen Perry, Fernanda Rosales, Leah Schaffer, Katherine Schaffernoth, Amanda Schlichting, Ian Shelton, Brent Sikora, Claudia Siles, Emarie Skelton, Samantha Stephenson, Taylor Terrill, Daniel Vantresca, Bryana Warner, Samuel “Aaron” Williams and Samantha Yeh.
Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Libor Šenekel, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic