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Azure AZ Award of Merit Architecture under 1000 square metres 01

To expand this brewery, which required new production facilities to make hops beer, El Dorado had to design a home for eight 12.2-metre-tall fermentation tanks in a century-old building. It needed to be accessible at all hours so staff could check on the ales. The solution: a steel-framed glass box perched on top of the original building and shaded by a per­for­ated screen of corrugated aluminum. Besides accommodating the increased output, it acts as a light funnel, ushering daylight into the brewing area below.


Boulevard Brewing Company Cellar 1 Expansion

The Boulevard Brewing Company Cellar 1 Expansion, and the Trail Center at Camp Prairie Schooner, both designed by El Dorado in Kansas City, Missouri; and a Kindergarten in Samedan, Switzerland, by Gredig Walser.

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