A railway factory tastefully restored, Bovenbouwwerkplaats, an Utrecht building adapted by Amsterdam firm Studioninedots preserves many elements of the original — from the rusty beams to the water-stained brickwork — while also reappointing the windows and outfitting the multi-gabled roof with skylights. More boldly, the firm cut an orthogonal hole out of the centre of the factory, making room for a new five-storey structure encased in ruffled metal. This unit houses 175 communal cars and bicycles. A railway workshop of the industrial past is now a transportation hub for the urbanist future.

Team: Albert Herder, Vincent van der Klei, Metin van Zijl and Wouter Hermanns with Erik Hoogendam, Ruben Visser and Karlijn de Jong (Studioninedots); Skonk; Gebroeders Blokland; Metadecor; Strackee; Continental Car Parks; Den Butter & Voogt; Visscher Bouwadvies; JVZ Ingenieurs; We Drive Solar
A railway factory tastefully restored, this Utrecht building adapted by Amsterdam firm Studioninedots preserves many elements of the original.