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AZ Awards 2022 People's Choice: CAP - 18 by Shree Kale and Anna Fritz

To revitalize an industrial zone in Paris’s 18th arrondissement, Rice University students Shree Kale and Anna Fritz propose demolishing a few peripheral buildings that cut the region off from the city. They have drawn up a blueprint called CAP – 18 for what remains: a suite of residential, industrial and public spaces, many inserted into pre-existing structures. In Kale and Fritz’s plan, ramps connect transit hubs with gardens, green roofs double as accessible parks and tunnels facilitate vehicular traffic while reserving the above-ground realm for pedestrians. If built, CAP – 18 would be walkable, livable and integrated with its surroundings — everything it wasn’t before.

AZ Awards 2022 People's Choice: CAP - 18 by Shree Kale and Anna Fritz
People’s Choice: A+ Award for Student Work
CAP – 18

If built, CAP – 18 would be walkable, livable and integrated with its surroundings — everything that Paris 18th arrondissement needs.

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