Quebec’s Parc de la Chute-Montmorency and its 83-metre water-fall attract more than 800,000 visitors each year, a volume of traffic that overwhelmed its dated infrastructure — particularly the two-metre-wide footbridge. Thanks to this elegant intervention, visitors now arrive at an open-air welcome pavilion built from steel, red cedar and pine whose cantilevered roof and horizontal structure emphasize the views toward the falls, while newly elevated footpaths afford low-impact strolls through a surrounding landscape replanted with native flora. The project’s heart is a terraced foot-bridge wide enough to accommodate a viewing platform whose elongated shape contrasts the verticality of the falls.

Team Réal Lestage and Eric Lizotte with Lucie Bibeau, Caroline Beaulieu, Grégory Taillon, Luca Fortin and Mélissa Simard (Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker); Martin Lemyre and Pierre Laliberté (Tetra Tech); CIMA+; Anne-Marie Laroche (SÉPAQ); Jérôme Després-Grenier (Construction Deric)
Expérience Chute is an open-air welcome pavilion and a series of newly elevated footpaths that afford low-impact strolls.