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The Midwest Commodity Exchange Center, a marketplace for metal futures, is a seven-building complex in Xi’an – part of the Chinese government’s trade infrastructure initiative. At its centre, an impressive five-storey main lobby features cascading and curved interior walls of specially extruded aluminum. These vertical slats encase towering LED displays that show scrolling commodity symbols and prices at a massive scale, their digits pixelated by the walls’ slatted surfaces in a throwback to the traditional ticker displays of older exchanges. Undulating, tiered surfaces reappear throughout the interior, following a strict colour palette of white and grey varied with accents of gunmetal and wood.

Project: Midwest Inland Port Financial Town

Location: Xi’an, China

Firm: Hallucinate Design Office, China

Team: Wenliang Wang

Midwest Inland Port Financial Town
Five very different projects from around the world made the final cut for the Institutional and Commercial Interiors category, including a marijuana dispensary and an Uber office.

Explore more Award Winners

People’s ChoiceCommercial and Institutional
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Da Bureau, Russia
People’s ChoiceCommercial and Institutional
Washington, D.C., USA
Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroupJJR, USA
Award of MeritCommercial and Institutional
Shanghai, China
Vermilion Zhou Design Group, China