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AZ Awards 2024 People's Choice: The Opera Park | AZ Awards
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The Opera Park by Cobe

It would be inaccurate to describe the Opera Park, a green space adjacent to the Royal Danish Opera in Copenhagen, as a garden. Really, the project — the work of Danish firm Cobe — is a horticultural archipelago comprising three forests (North American, Danish oak and Nordic) and three gardens (English, Asian and subtropical). At the centre is a biomorphic greenhouse with a floating roof; with its globular shape, it resembles a pond or a plant cell. The park layout is appropriately theatrical: The 80,000 plants and 6,000 trees are arranged with low vegetation in the foreground and trees behind them, creating a scenic backdrop — like a stage set.

The Opera Park by Cobe

Architect: Dan Stubbergaard

People’s Choice: Landscape Architecture
The Opera Park

The project — the work of Danish
firm Cobe — is a horticultural archipelago comprising three forests and three gardens.

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