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Urban infrastructure can be iconic. Look no further than the Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage in Edmonton, a 50,000-square-metre complex with space for 300 buses, along with maintenance bays, offices and training areas. Toronto firm Gh3* — a master at making bold statements with industrial builds — adorned the KATG in austere, monochrome finishes: corrugated stainless-steel walls and polished concrete floors.

But it also included novel flourishes, like five abstracted light boxes on the roof and a restored heritage smokestack, which appear like follies in an otherwise stark landscape. Everything about the KATG is monumental — to wonderful effect.

Team: Pat Hanson with Louise Clavin, Elise Shelley, Jeffrey Deng, Joel Di Giacomo and Raymond Chow

AZ Awards 2021 Finalist: Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage

Urban infrastructure can be iconic. Look no further than the Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage in Edmonton, a 50,000-square-metre complex with space for 300 buses, along with maintenance bays, offices and training areas.

Explore more Award Winners

WinnerBuildings Over 1,000SqM
Ilulissat, Greenland
Dorte Mandrup, Copenhagen, Denmark
Award of MeritBuildings Over 1,000SqM
Melbourne, Australia
Sean Godsell Architects, Melbourne
Sean Godsell, with Hayley Franklin
WinnerBuildings Over 1,000SqM
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Marlon Blackwell Architect, Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects
Marlon Blackwell, Mark Herrmann, David Jaehning and Joe Stanley with Meryati Johari Blackwell, Jonathan Boelkins, William Burks, Angela Carpenter, Craig Curzon, John Dupree, Conley Fikes, Laura Lyon, Sarah Menyhart Bennings, J. B. Mullins, Bradford Payne, Michael Pope, Kimberly Braden Prescott, Stephen Reyenga, Reese Rowland, Michelle Teague, Jim Thacker, Christopher Thomas and Wesley Walls.