The Shanghai-based office of Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu designed this deep soaking tub – with a small footprint and an outsized capacity of 305 litres – for the Italian furniture manufacturer Agape. Deeper than it is wide, Immersion takes its cues from the Japanese oforu tradition of high-walled wooden tubs that allow bathers to assume a more upright posture, submerge their entire trunks and inhale the steam rising from the water’s hot surface. With the faucet along the tub’s length, the fixture’s ends are nearly symmetrical. An inviting wood-plank seat spanning a recessed channel for the drain means bathers can sit in a variety of spots and even enjoy double occupancy.
Product: Immersion Bathtub Designer: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, China
Manufacturer: Agape, Italy